
Schezwan Sauce

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It's a name you know but in a form you don't. Our wholesome take on the popular restaurant sauce adds nuance, flavour and complexity beyond imagination. Dig in. 


BOOMBAY Schezwan Sauce 190g | Use as a Spread for Dosa, Stir Frys, Dip with Snacks, Marinade for Grill, Spicy Flavour to Noodles | Plant Based | Sustainably Farmed | No Refined Sugar | No Bad Oils | No Preservatives | No Added Colour | 100% Natural

Ingredients: Water, Garlic, Cold Pressed Sesame Oil, Kashmiri Chilli, Naturally Fermented Coconut Vinegar, Ginger, Soy Sauce, Rock Salt, Coconut Sugar, Black Pepper, Boriya Chilli, Tomato Powder, Resham Patti Chilli, Bay Leaf 

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It's a name you know but in a form you don't. Our wholesome take on the popular restaurant sauce adds nuance, flavour and complexity beyond imagination. Dig in. 

BOOMBAY Schezwan Sauce 190g | Use as a Spread for Dosa, Stir Frys, Dip with Snacks, Marinade for Grill, Spicy Flavour to Noodles | Plant Based | Sustainably Farmed | No Refined Sugar | No Bad Oils | No Preservatives | No Added Colour | 100% Natural

Ingredients: Water, Garlic, Cold Pressed Sesame Oil, Kashmiri Chilli, Naturally Fermented Coconut Vinegar, Ginger, Soy Sauce, Rock Salt, Coconut Sugar, Black Pepper, Boriya Chilli, Tomato Powder, Resham Patti Chilli, Bay Leaf 

This product ships in 7-10 business days as per our shipping policy.

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